Becker Software Expired

Former Becker Students who are re-enrolling (Becker license/software has expired) Current Becker Students who are nearing the end of their current license and want to re-enroll (Becker license/software will be expiring in one month or less). Reinstating An Expired Support Agreement. When an expired support agreement is renewed, you'll receive both the next year of support and an update to the most current version of Facil. Only the current version of Facil is supported and every organization being supported has that current version as part of their support.

The biggest difference between Becker CPA Review and Gleim CPA Review is absolutely going to be the video lectures.

Becker CPA Review revolves 100% around the video lectures. You are expected to watch 30-60 minute lectures in one sitting while studiously highlighting your textbook.

Gleim CPA Review takes a different approach, they give you shorter lectures and focus more on helping you learn on your own through the textbook and multiple choice questions.

Becker Software Expired Download


Now I will admit that Becker CPA Review's video lectures are far more advanced in terms of functionality. Their electronic textbook automatically syncs with the video lectures and you are able to take notes and bookmark the lectures.

You can't do any of this with Gleim. It just a video and you are on your own to follow along in the textbook.

Becker Software Expired Use

With this being said it's clear that if you are someone who NEEDS video lectures to learn, then Becker CPA Review is your course BUT personally I would compare Becker CPA Review to UWorld Roger CPA Review before making a final decision. UWorld Roger CPA Review has by far the most engaging lectures in the industry.

However, if you are more of a self-studier who prefers to teach yourself the material and just need video lectures as a reference point, then I would recommend Gleim.

Becker Software Expired Use

At this point, I will have to give Becker CPA Review the WINNER tag for video lectures.